About Me

Hello! My name is Ryan Braun – I am a father of 3, and live in Northern California with my beautiful wife Hayley Braun. I love long walks on the beach… Just kidding. (But actually I really do – this one is my favorite 🙌🏼)

In 2019, I decided to change up my film career from working at a full-time studio, to becoming a freelance editor & colorist. I wanted to work part-time so I could be with my kids more in everyday life, and to also partner with my wife as she works full-time, traveling and speaking internationally. There wasn’t really a “model” for this, but we knew God would lead us to design it with him. And, I am now literally living my dream. As I have navigated through this “house husband” role, I realized that more and more dads are making the switch to either work-from-home or create jobs with more flexible hours. Being a father has defined a huge part of who I am, and I believe fatherhood is one of the most important “careers” of our times. How we navigate this role shapes our children, and if we let it, will sharpen and shape our lives as men too.

Fatherhood Fables is about sharing the stories, struggles and victories of fatherhood. I hope that it will encourage, strengthen and give vision to what is possible when we choose to raise healthy families, courageous children, and empower our spouses.

Thanks for joining me on this journey to become strong fathers, one story at a time.