Dad for Life

Being a dad is one the greatest challenges and rewards any man can achieve in this world. In some ways, it feels as if it’s one of those things that makes us fully alive in our manhood. That isn’t to say you can’t be a man without the experience of raising a child, but, it does open up a part of your heart you didn’t know you could even access or fill. It allows you to reflect on your motives and desires, to put into balance the way you spend your time, energy, and strength. I find myself often reaching & digging into the layers of my heart, in a fervent desire to shape and grow myself into what I want my children to become.

Fatherhood is a choice. Choosing to intentionally parent and shape your children takes dedication, a copious amount of patient, and steadfast wisdom. You are shaped as a father at the same time you are molding your children. Yes, you have your life experience to start your journey with, but that’s just the seed. A necessary beginning that becomes the “fruit” grown in your children’s lives – you get to choose to forgive the pains of the past, heal from the childhood traumas, and gift to your family the best memories you have of being a child. Your “ceilings become their floor” to stand on. When we intentionally lean into personal growth, and face our fears as men, we are doing the hard work that really matters for our families to thrive. No matter what your story is, you get to turn the page now and write the narrative that says “the best is yet to come!”

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